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November 20, 2012

Openview client Tips


  1. Reset OvO CoreID and Certificate on client
  2. Check Openview performance agent status(aka perfview befor)


1. Reset OvO CoreID and Certificate on client

I use ovcert version :

# ovcert -version
HP Software Certificate Management Client 11.00.044

echo y|ovcert -remove `ovcoreid`
ovcoreid -create -force
ovconfchg -ns eaagt -set OPC_NODENAME `hostname`
ovc -kill
ovc -start
ovagtrep -clearall


2. Check Openview performance agent status(previonsly known as perfview)

Check the status of ovpa daemons

# ovpa status
 Perf Agent status:
    Running scopeux               (Perf Agent data collector) pid 7950
    Running midaemon              (Measurement Interface daemon) pid 3092
    Running ttd                   (ARM registration daemon) pid 2861

 Perf Agent Server status:

    Running ovcd                  (OV control component) pid 15797
    Running ovbbccb               (BBC5 communication broker) pid 15798
    Running coda                  (perf component) pid(s) 15804
       Configured DataSources(3)
                  EPC(CODA) Configured

    Running perfalarm             (alarm generator) pid(s) 7996

If the midaemon or scopeux not running, use following procedure to start:
# ovpa stop
ttd -k

Now check for process with perf string.
# ps -ef|grep perf
root      3092     1  0  Dec 21  ?        00:51:56 /opt/perf/bin/midaemon
root     15804 15797  0 15:26:43 ?        00:00:01 /opt/OV/lbin/perf/coda
root     16252  1091  0 15:33:55 pts/4    00:00:00 grep perf

OK - midaemon still running - kill him.
# kill 3092

Check again.
# ps -ef|grep perf
root     15804 15797  0 15:26:43 ?        00:00:01 /opt/OV/lbin/perf/coda
root     16252  1091  0 15:33:55 pts/4    00:00:00 grep perf

Now looks fine and you can start ovpa.
# ovpa start